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Transform Your Health, Body, & Life With DadFitFormula

LUIS M - 41 years old
Lost 40lbs in 1year

Geovani's fit program has changed my life for the best not only physically but also mentally! I started my journey with Geo end of 2021 with no expectations since I had a couple of prior failed attempts to get in shape and struggled with sticking to a workout regime. However, this wasn't the case with Geo due to his amazing program, guidance, and motivation. His customized workouts and diet will generate results! Best decision I've ever made!


He is father who came to me cause he could not lose weight. He had tried many different diet plans but could not lose weight. He was working out 5 days a week eating well and was not able to lose any more weight. He came into my plan and lost 20 pounds in 3 months and was able to build muscle as well.

LUIS M - 41 years old
Lost 40lbs in 1year

Geovani’s fit program has changed my life for the best not only physically but also mentally! I started my journey with Geo end of 2021 with no expectations since I had a couple of prior failed attempts to get in shape and struggled with sticking to a workout regime. However, this wasn’t the case with Geo due to his amazing program, guidance, and motivation. His customized workouts and diet will generate results! Best decision I’ve ever made!

Former military member

As former military member with a law enforcement experience he knows what it takes to get the mission accomplished. You will be in the best position to create changes that will empower to be the best possible Dad for your family. Knowing challenges in family life, DadFitFormula is specifically designed for dads who are busy and don’t want to spend a lot of hours in the gym or eating foods that you hate!


Start Your Dream Transformation Today




The time is now, fill out the application for the 10 minute coaching call.

DadFitFormula Application Form Online Coaching


Get results with The DadFitFormula to create new habits, break mental barriers, and build a, New You!

The FitDadFormula Meal Plan

A no nonsense, common sense, easy meal plan that will help you to lose weight for good.

The FitDadFormula Exercise Plan

Specifically tailored for busy dads and designed to get you results. This program is designed to help you get fit, build muscle, and lose weight.

The Best Accountability Coaching

Your success is our top priority, with 24 hour support and instant access to our team all your question will be answered promptly.


Your Workout in an App

You will have access to our personalized app with detailed videos for each and all exercises. This will guarantee you peace of mind that you are doing each exercise correctly.


Geo Olivero

Designed for Men, to help Men, Become Super Dads!

I bet you are just like me, a busy husban, and dad, with a lot of responsibilities.

I would like you to just imagine how much better your life would be, when you improve your health, and feel better than you have in years.

The good news is that by taking care of your health it shows an appreciation for your life and the people you love.

As you may already know, life becomes much easier when you have a healthy body and mind.

Also know this, when you take care of your health, you’re not being selfish!

From the very first workout, you will experience increased blood flow, which will sharper your thinking, help you relieve stress, and allow you to experience an elevated mood.

As you progress through the program and fat just melts off your body, while also building hard solid muscle, you will notice improved sleep and increased confidence.


100% Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that our program works, we will let you try out the program for 30 days. If you are no happy with your progress, we will refund you the money no questions asked. You take care of your family, now it is time for someone took care of you. Start today to enjoy the benefits of living a healthy, vital, energetic life. You will lose weight, build muscle, and be the best version of yourself. Let us help you to accomplish your goals so you can be the best version for your love ones. Don’t wait, do it now!

Get In Touch!

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, using our contact form, or calling the number below.
